Looking for help on how to route items through different resources based on an excel spreadsheet that contains the route.
Should I use a list? Can I just use the table that already imports from excel?
Looking for help on how to route items through different resources based on an excel spreadsheet that contains the route.
Should I use a list? Can I just use the table that already imports from excel?
Attached is your model and Excel file with the changes that I've made. I only added one column to the Excel Arrival tab to add a "Type" field at the end to specify an itemtype. It's a lot less complicated and faster to use a numeric value to look item ups in a global table. So I added this column to the Source to make lookups into the Routes table easier and faster.
You can use the current Routes table, as is, to route flowitems. I put the code for this in the Flow tab in the Properties window, in the Send To Port cpde of all the Objects (except the Combiners, of course). This code will properly route flowitems based on the global table.
But, your routing makes no sense to me when it comes to sending flowitems to the Combiners. A combiner uses input port 1 for the "container" flowitem. This has to be the first item to enter the Combiner (through input port 1). You don't have to run the mode far to find out that there is a fatal blockage at the combiners. You have Product A1 (Type 1) that is being routed from Pressing2 to Combiner1 to its input port 2. You have input port1 of Combiner1 connected to Pressing1. That should be the first item to enter Combiner1 but that will never happen because item C3 can never get there because of the Blockage at the Forming object.
In short, I have no idea what you are trying to do when it comes to the routing for the Combiners inputs. You have all three Pressing processors connected to both Combiners. That makes no sense to me. So I'm not sure how to fix your model because I don't understand what you are trying to do with the Combiners. Other than that, the model should work using the existing Routes table.
In you can explain in more detail how you want the Combiners to work, then I would be able to help with that. Take a look at the model and see if, other than the Combiners, it is working as you want. Let us know if you have any problems or questions.
Thank you for the response!
I don't think I am actually intending to use combiners (this was a mistake). They should most likely just be processors.
What you provided with the routing really helped, but I have never coded in FlexSim before so I don't know what the Custom Code is actually doing. Would you be able to put comments in it?
Also, I figured it would be a lot harder to use an ItemName such as A1 rather than ItemType 1 but I wasn't sure if someone else had an answer to it so I tossed it in the model just in case. I'd still prefer to use ItemName's such as A1, but I can deal without it.
Attached is the model with comments that I've put in Pressing1, in the Send To Port field. I hope that this makes some sense to you? If you have any problems, please let us know.
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