
Fred Kan avatar image
Fred Kan asked Fred Kan commented

Ideas to model traffic lanes?

Hi I'm tasked with creating a model that takes traffic into consideration and wanted to ask if the community had any ideas as to how I may approach this problem.

I've thought about creating a web of network nodes to represent every possible location a vehicle can travel towards, however that seems impractical.

I'm trying to avoid using free traveling task executors and A*Nav because I'd like traffic to flow more orderly.

I'm currently pursuing the idea of using conveyors placed side by side each other to represent driving lanes, however in doing so I find it awkward to create vehicle merges (i.e. changing lanes). I've used the move object command when a vehicle arrives at a decision point, however that results in the vehicle (flow item) effectively teleporting from one conveyor to another, after which the flow item appears to be stuck.

Does anyone have ideas I can try out?


FlexSim 18.1.2
conveyorstask executorsmodelingquestionsdesign
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Isaac Litster avatar image
Isaac Litster answered Fred Kan commented

Hi @Fred Kan

I am not sure if I am understanding correctly, but have you tried adding entry transfers to the conveyors? This will make it so the flow item doesn't get stuck.

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Claire Krupp avatar image
Claire Krupp answered

We tried AStar and it worked well except where you want to define specific lanes as you mention. My next approach was to use an AGV Network. That is a much better way to do it. You can easily have merging paths and use Control Points and Control Areas to limit the number of vehicles in a particular segment or area of paths. We used it for Trucks, Buses and People Flow and it works for all cases. (For people you have to "Create Person" at a location which is a Control Point.)

Use the 3D "Task Executer" to represent your vehicles, and just give it an appropriate name and visual that makes more sense than the AGV shown. You also need a different "AGV Type" (in the Network Properties menu) to give different speeds to each type of traffic.

The basic AGV tutorial will get you started.

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