
Linda N avatar image
Linda N asked Joerg Vogel commented

Count entries on list by label value(s)

Hi all,

At the end of a work day, I want to count how many orders missed the deadline (CutOffTime). The orders are on a list named "List: Finished Orders" and I have a global variable currentDay which tracks the current day number.

I track two labels on the list CutOffDay and lateOrder. I wish to determine the number of orders on the list where CutOffDay = currentDay and lateOrder = 1. I figured I should do this with a query but I only have limited experience querying a list in the process flow objects, but for this one I want to determine it in an integer variable and write it to a table so I can assess the statistics later on. I haven't managed to figure it out myself yet, could someone help?


Thanks in advance!


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1 Answer

Linda N avatar image
Linda N answered Joerg Vogel commented

My list is not global, is that a problem?
I'll have to look into this, i've never written a query in flexscript before (at least not the Table.query() variant). Would be great if you could help me out with an example on this case!

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