
Pierre G avatar image
Pierre G asked anthony.johnson edited

Query "SELECT *a label of a List*" with the new options of the List


I tried to do the Tutorial 4.1 of the Process Flow, and it's not working with the 19.2. In the Pull from List, the query is "SELECT rollQuantity" (rollQuantity is a Label of the List) but the entire token is pulled while it's supposed to only decrement the label.

But it's working with the older versions.

To make the tutorial work in 19.2, I had to add one step : I checked the Use First SELECT Value as Quantifier in my List's options (which is a new option of this 19.2 I imagine), but I don't understand what is the purpose of this option.

Someone can explain to me why I have to check this option, and what is the purpose of it ?

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1 Answer

anthony.johnson avatar image
anthony.johnson answered anthony.johnson edited

We have realized that our initial design of the list's query interface, while really cool and useful, is actually a little weird relative to how traditional SQL works. In standard SQL, the SELECT clause tells what information you want to query. However, the original design of the list was that the SELECT clause created this special rule where the first column of SELECT defines a quantity evaluator that you want to pull from. Further, subsequent SELECT columns do absolutely nothing. So, after significant internal discussion, we decided that we should bring the list's default behavior more inline with a more "traditional" understanding of how a SELECT clause works, that is, you just want to know things about what you are pulling.

So, in the default behavior, the SELECT clause will define labels that will be set on the puller, meaning the puller gets the result of the SELECT stored on its labels with the corresponding SELECT column name. You can still get the original, "special rule" functionality, though, by checking the box.

We'll put an item on our development list to update the tutorial.

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