
N W avatar image
N W asked Matthew Gillespie answered

Pull from list into sink not working

I would like to know why I cannot use a pull from list wihtin the sink to get flow items to move into the sink. I have attached an example using an SQL where condition. (Where queueSize > 19)

Is there anything I need to add to make this work?question-on-sink-from-list.fsm

FlexSim 20.0.3
queuelistquerypull from listsink
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1 Answer

Matthew Gillespie avatar image
Matthew Gillespie answered

Since you're using standard port logic to move the items to the sink you should push the items to the list in the queue's Send To Port field and not in its OnEntry trigger.


Keep in mind though, that as the model currently stands the sink will never be able to pull the first 19 items. See this other question for more information.

sendtoport.fsm (26.6 KiB)
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