
Steven Chen avatar image
Steven Chen asked Ben Wilson answered

FlexSim crashed on license configuring for license server


When I configured the license server in FlexSim, it crashed after 3-5 sec(program freezed) when I clicked the "Apply" button, and the configuration was empty. But when I closed the program within 3-5 sec, then the IP address will stay in the field and FlexSim retrieved license successfully.

FlexSim 19.1.0
license server
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1 Answer

Ben Wilson avatar image
Ben Wilson answered

Hi @steven.chen,

I haven't been able to duplicate the crash. Here is what I did:

  1. Open FlexSim.
  2. Open License Activation Window.
  3. Check the box for Use concurrent licensing.
  4. Leave the License Server Address field blank.
  5. Click the Apply Configuration button.

My FlexSim instance stays responsive and does not crash. What am I missing in duplicating this error?

Even if FlexSim's License Server Address field is currently blank, if you have previously configured your PC to point to a license server in the past, those previous license server addresses may be held in the FlexNet license cache and FlexSim may be attempting to access those old addresses. That would explain the 3-5 second freeze as FlexSim attempts to make contact with the cached license servers. However, I've never seen it crash the program. It may hang for a bit while it tries to make the network connection, but not crash.

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Steven Chen avatar image Steven Chen commented ·

I don't duplicate the crash on my PC too. Perhaps there is a problem in my client's PC. I have asked him to use another one if the issue occurred again. I will update this if I find something new. Thank you.

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