
M.J D avatar image
M.J D asked Joseph Gillespie edited

Rack varying dwell times

I created a Global Table in which the minimum dwell time of an item (Release Time of an item - column 3) is given. Unfortunately the model gives an error and the items do not dwell.

I want that an item stays in the rack until a specific date. How can this problem be solved?


FlexSim 19.1.0
global tablerackminimum dwell time
model-1.fsm (46.9 KiB)
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1 Answer

Steven Hamoen avatar image
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Steven Hamoen answered

@M.J D There are a few things wrong with the model. First the error. It reads "Label property Type retrieved on /Rack16/Product05750. Label does not exist. at MODEL:/Rack16>variables/minimumstaytime"

if you look what you have written on your dwell time trigger (which is called minimumstaytime behind the scenes) you see that you use "item.Type". But you have nowhere defined the label Type.

The other problem is that for FlexSim time is always a number and if you put in dates they are seen as strings. The model works kind of because the string you entered in the source is seen as 0 so all the pallets are generated at time 0, but because you have put a time table on the queue they don't enter till the next day.

So what you could do is calculate the difference for instance in Excel and instead of the end dates fill the column with the seconds of dwell time. On the exit of the source you can give every pallet a label with it's rownumber with the option set label and then write something like: current.stats.output.value as the value on the label.

On the dwelltime you could now use almost the same solution and only use "item.rowNo" as the label instead of item.Type

If you would use the days in the table you can write a statement like this using the expression option:

days( Table("tablename")[item.rownumber][3] )

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