
Geovanna A avatar image
Geovanna A asked Geovanna A commented

Operator does not change from utilize to next task

hace2.fsmThe model consists on one operator who grabs 3 items, unloads them on another queue and then processes one item at a time, until the queue is empty. then he begins the tasksequence again. In my case, the operator processes 2 items and then it doesnt change from utilize (processing) to the next task.

task executertask sequenceutilize operator
hace2.fsm (26.3 KiB)
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1 Answer

Braydn T avatar image
Braydn T answered Geovanna A commented

You problem was the Operator was still referencing the whole array of 3 boxes when it put them in the processor instead of just one of the items in the array.

I added a Process Flow with a little bit of custom code in the Move Objects in the sub-flow to iterate through the Array to pick the boxes individually. Attached is your model. Please let us know if there is anything else we can do to help.


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