
Mokhtar W avatar image
Mokhtar W asked Braydn T commented

how to identify the network nodes to the operator and racks?

hello guys in the following model i want to identify the nodes to the racks and the transporter and the queue to make the transporter travels in this determined path so the forklift will go to pick the items from the rack then back to the queue.

so please can i get some help ?


FlexSim 19.1.1
network nodenodesnetwork node reference
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Braydn T avatar image
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Braydn T answered Braydn T commented

You are using a mix of 3D logic and ProcessFlow logic in a way that is not compatible. Here is an updated version of one of your models. mokhtarupdate.fsm

You don't need A or S port connections from the Queues to the transporter, or from the Queues to Queue1 because your process flow logic takes care of that. Also, in your Queues you don't need to use a transporter to push the items in the queue to a list. Another quirk of Process Flow is the need for a Travel and Move Object instead of a load. If you use a load, it goes straight to the item. I have used a travel to token.item.up, which travels to the Queue instead of the item (up references the tree nodes parent node), which makes the transporter travel to the Queues network node. After it as traveled on the node, it can use a load to load it from there.

Try and do something similar for your other model. Please tag me @Braydn T if you need any more help with this.

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Braydn T avatar image Braydn T commented ·

Hey @Mokhtar W

Did my answer work for you? If so, please click the accept button below the question. If not, is there another way we can help you?

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Joerg Vogel avatar image
Joerg Vogel answered Mokhtar W commented

The operator doesn’t know over which network node he is. Only each network node knows which traveler is over him. You can send a message to the traveler from the network node letting him know to which network he arrived currently.

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Mokhtar W avatar image Mokhtar W commented ·


i tried in this simple model to identify the path for the operator but the operator doesnt follow the path at all

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