
leslie H avatar image
leslie H asked leslie H answered

After processing, why does the person not change state to idle?


they start good, idle and offshift. And they transfer work between shifts, but when job finishes, the workers stay in state performing task, versus idle. Tried breath, tried to set state after process (left custom code in model, just deleted flow arrow).

FlexSim 19.1.1
staff states
idleworker.fsm (135.4 KiB)
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Joseph Gillespie avatar image Joseph Gillespie commented ·

@leslie H

Did you set it up on purpose for the workers to process for 15 hours? I'm not exactly sure why this happens, but the problem is that your workers are being interrupted while processing and their jobs are being finished by other workers. Since they never finish what they started, they stay in the "PerformingTask" state.

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1 Answer

leslie H avatar image
leslie H answered

yes, often we have jobs performed by crews over very long time frames. The worker that starts the job may never work it again. We have fixed the issue with token logic, and moved away from the canned functionally.

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