
Tee Hiett avatar image
Tee Hiett asked Tee Hiett commented

Why is the CMA_1 Blocked in the attached model?


The attached model was working fine until I added the A* navigator with the Barriers and Dividers. Now when the first patient comes through needing a CMA, the patient acquires the CMA and the scales in the CMA Escort Weight Triage section but when I click on the CMA, he is shown as blocked and the patient will not be escorted to the scales.



FlexSim 19.1.1
navigationprovider blocked
5 |100000

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1 Answer

Matthew Gillespie avatar image
1 Like"
Matthew Gillespie answered Tee Hiett commented

This is happening because you have Collision Avoidance turned on on the A* Navigator and you also turned off the Ignore Inactive Members checkbox. When you turn on Collision Avoidance the people will wait for someone else to get off a grid node before they move onto it. But if someone is just standing there they'll end up waiting a very long time. You usually want to use both of them together or neither.

ignore.png (7.0 KiB)
· 3
5 |100000

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