
Sofía Z2 avatar image
Sofía Z2 asked Joseph Gillespie commented

Patients stuck in Patient Arrivals

I'm creating a model to simulate an ophtalmologic clinic, in which users wait, then register, then proceed to be attended by their doctor depending on their condition. I have created 4 different tracks for a wide range of PCIs, but when I run the model, patients don't move past my Patient Arrivals Area (named Entrada1 and Entrada2 in this model). When running the model, I receive an exception error, which I believe is what is keeps the patients from following their track. Any help would be greatly aprecciated.


patient arrivalspatient tracks
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1 Answer

Cliff King avatar image
Cliff King answered Cliff King edited

I noticed three problems in your model that you should fix:

  1. On the top row of the PCI table named "Data Types", you need to select "text" for your two labels.
  2. Remove the blank label by reducing number of labels to 2 and I also suggest you rename the label you called "N,S" because the software doesn't like label names with special characters like that. Consider changing it to NyS or something.
  3. The above two problems will stop the errors the model was throwing, but the problem with patients not leaving the door has to do with the fact that the Ochoa track's 10_Arrival activity tells the patients to walk to Salida2 and there isn't a connection between the door and Salida2.
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