
dougdurbin avatar image
dougdurbin asked dougdurbin commented

Dynamic Patient Arrival Areas

This may be an easy question to answer and I might be overthinking it but I can't figure it out. I have 2 Arrival locations (Main Entrance and EC). I have a 1 patient track and 1 PCI. Is there a way to choose which arrival location the patient enters from based on either a label, percentage, etc. without adding another PCI?

FlexSim HC 5.3.10
patient arrivalsarrival area
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1 Answer

Matthew Gillespie avatar image
Matthew Gillespie answered dougdurbin commented

Because the Patient Arrivals objects create the patients it works the other way around. The arrivals object creates patients based off the schedule(s) you set up on the object. Once the patient is created inside the arrivals object it then evaluates the PCI field and assigns the patient its PCI value and Track.

So the usual thing to do is adjust the arrival schedules on the arrivals objects such that the right kind and number of people are arriving at each of the doors.

Another option is to use the transfernode() command (in the door's On Creation trigger for example) to physically move a patient after they're created into the door you want them to come in through.

HC 2019 uses a different approach where there are global arrival events that then create patients and then you choose where in the model to place them and what kind of patient they are.

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