
Conner F avatar image
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Conner F asked tannerp commented

Only want tokens to run during the weekdays?

Hi I am making a model of the changes that happen in our process but only want the tokens to run through the PF M-F. Currently any token that is created runs through the PF no matter the day, is there a variable or some kind of work around so that the tokens would stop or pause in the PF if it were to hit a certain time in the model, somewhat liking simulating a workday where the next day they pick up the previous workdays tasks?


FlexSim 19.0.4
process flowtokens
proj19e.fsm (53.5 KiB)
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1 Answer

tannerp avatar image
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tannerp answered tannerp commented

We've come up with a solution that should work for your model. I'll try to explain everything so you can go in and review/adjust it as necessary.

1) We will use a Time Table, Basic FR, Create Tokens activity, and a List.

2) To create references to the tokens in your Process Flow, we'll use the Create Tokens activity to push the value of a "parent" token (the one going through all the Process Flow activities) to a list.

3) The Push to List activity pushes a reference to the original token to the list that can be accessed through a function in the Time Table.

4) In the Time Table function, we can pull the tokens from the list and stop/resume them through code.

This should work in your model. You can set up the Time Table to match your 8 hr work day, but other than that, I've updated the rest of the code to hopefully work in the way you want.

Let me know if this idea works. It's not perfect yet, but it's a start. One thing that we might have to work through is what to do with the tokens left on the list after the tokens leave the model... Maybe adding a Pull from List activity before the tokens leave the model? I'm not sure.

Model: process-flow-time-table.fsm

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