In the attached model, the Acquire Computer 2 function in the MD Enters Notes not send the MD to the desired spot but leave him at the exam table to Enter the Notes. What am I doing wrong?
In the attached model, the Acquire Computer 2 function in the MD Enters Notes not send the MD to the desired spot but leave him at the exam table to Enter the Notes. What am I doing wrong?
It works best if you create child tokens and check the Label Access on Parent Only checkbox. Doing that makes it so that everything gets referred back to the original token. Here's a version of your model where I did that: dev-model-09-10-2019-1-fixed.fsm
Otherwise you'd need to update a few things to store labels on the new child token and only use the "Acquired Staff MD" sampler functionality on resources that were acquired by the child token and not by a parent token like in this model: fixed2.fsm
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