
Aravind D avatar image
Aravind D asked Jason Lightfoot commented

How to use MongoDB in flexsim as database


1. I would like to get the input data from MongoDB to store it in the global table and store the output results to the global table and also directly in MongoDB. Please let me know how to connect to MongoDB from FlexSim.

. Thanks in advance for your help

FlexSim 19.2.0
database connectorsql servermongodb
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1 Answer

Steven Hamoen avatar image
Steven Hamoen answered Jason Lightfoot commented

@Aravind D Considering the fact that MongoDB is not supported in de DBConnector, there are 2 ways you can go.

1. Use the standard ODBC path. I think that MongoDB has an ODBC driver (at least a very quick google search tells me that)

2. Considering MongoDB is written in C++ it should not be to hard to use a native driver and create your own FlexSim dll that calls the database directly.

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