
Jason P2 avatar image
Jason P2 asked Jason P2 commented

forklift travel in racking

I would like to use a travel network to simulate forklifts traveling through a pallet racking area. I want to use the network instead of Astar because I want to put traffic control in the simulation and I also want to limit the space in between forklifts while they are traveling.

I noticed that a forklift will not stop on the travel network directly in front of the pallet rack position unless there is a network node right in front of the racking bay. If I do this for the entire warehouse it will be a lot of work placing all of these network nodes and if the nodes are only 4 feet apart how do I keep the forklifts 10 feet apart

forklift travel
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Benjamin W2 avatar image Benjamin W2 commented ·

Hi @Jason P2,

Can you post a sample of your model?

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1 Answer

Joerg Vogel avatar image
Joerg Vogel answered Jason P2 commented

I would not use network nodes for this kind of task. The distance of taskexecuters can you build upon the collision. A conditional entry to an aisle is a job for the amount of travelers at a network node.

You have network nodes at the start and end of the rack. The taskexecuter travels to the bay by offset travel. You control the distance by collision.

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Jason P2 avatar image Jason P2 commented ·

Thanks I built a sample model using Astar and collision. I added the collision spheres but it looks like the two transporters are running into each other although the spheres are turning red. Is there any way to program them to keep away from each other?

I noticed there is a handle collision logic would this be custom code?

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Joerg Vogel avatar image Joerg Vogel Jason P2 commented ·

I didn't write about Astar and collision. I wrote about standard offset travel and collision spheres. I think your combination isn't supported by Astar.

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