
Quirin I2 avatar image
Quirin I2 asked tannerp commented

Running ouf RAM with MILP-Problem

I have a rather simple simulation with 2 machines where i repeatedly start a Lingo optimization model via a dll command. The optimization decides the quantity of items which will be produced and where they are produced.

However- I'm facing the problem that everytime I call the dll it adds ~6MB to my RAM- till it is full.

So it's not possible to run replications for me.

I delete the pointers of course in the dll.

Any recommandations or advice?

dlloptimizationdll makerram
5 |100000

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1 Answer

Jordan Johnson avatar image
1 Like"
Jordan Johnson answered

I don't know anything about Lingo. It sounds like there is a memory leak somewhere. Depending on the API, you may need to use a function rather than the delete operator directly:

  1. // If the API uses new or malloc(), you should use delete
  2. // If it looks like this:
  3. Data* data;
  4. initializeData(&data);
  5. // Then there is very likely a companion "destructor" method,
  6. // something like this:
  7. releaseData(data);
5 |100000

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