As shown in below Image1, I am using Task Executers to deliver to Queue2. But Queue2 capacity is 12. So I would like to limit the delivery to Queue2.
In Process1 (Image2) after Release activity instead of looping back to Pull from List1 activity, how can I write logic to wait the token untill the Queue2 size is less than 12 and then send the token to Pull from List1 . (Like communicating with Queue 2 on Exit evry time one item exits if it reaches less than 12 then release send the task Executer to deliver).
Is that possible to stop the token after Release activity and once the Queue2 size is less than 12 send the token to Pull from List1 activity.
I am attaching my model for refernce
As shown in below image, I am trying to maintain Queue 3 size to 3, if it is less than 3 then Task executer will deliver the items. So to achieve this I am using the following code as shown in the below image in Request Number (Pull from List2). Can I achieve the same in a different way by using any Variable. (How to achieve the communication between Queue 3 and Delivery of Task Executer using a Variable or in a different way instead of what I am using at present)