
Kyle Y avatar image
Kyle Y asked tannerp commented

how to pull by priority

I have a list and will be pulled from 10 pull places. I want 2 of them to be priority 1. Once these 2 want to pull from list, the list will always response first. I am not sure how to make it. Thank you.

FlexSim 19.0.0
listlist pull
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Kyle P avatar image
Kyle P answered Kyle P edited

I got linked to this question by accident somehow, but I have done something similar albeit I did not use the ProcessFlow. I am pulling from a model I have; so the code and names of items will not exactly match your use case.

1) Add a routing label to your flowitem. This could be a 1 or 2 depending on whether it routes to WH1 or WH2 in your model.

2) Change the Routing logic in your 'Storage' queue to add the flowitem to the list. Here your can set the priority for hot items (ipr variable) but I find it more flexible to use the data in step 3 to decide timing.

3) Configure your list to include the routing label as a list column.

4) Set up your task executer to pull items from the list utilizing the 'OnResourceAvailable' trigger.

Using this method you can define any variables to fine-tune your task sequences using the query command shown above. I would greatly suggest utilizing the 'Command Help' on even stocked trigger code when writing logic. FlexSim's documentation is very thorough, but can be hard to navigate.

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Joerg Vogel avatar image
Joerg Vogel answered Kyle Y commented

You want to combine a list of transport jobs with a group of taskexecuters. If the list content rises then you look for a job that leaves the rack.
Actually the list needs only an attribute to be ordered. This attribute evaluates the loading station. If the station is a rack then the attribute gets a higher value.
I assume the list contains the transport tasksequences. You add an expression field like a priority attribute. The source code of this field assign a large value for each transport job from a rack.
If you pull from the list you order the list by this attribute, then an available taskexecuter gets a job in the list attribute order.

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