
Akshay P avatar image
Akshay P asked Akshay P commented

Tasks not getting completed (as per the imported schedule)

static-updatednew.fsmDear all,

I have a list of tasks that I am importing via a list, to be executed by my AGV network. My simulation is running without any errors, but certain tasks are not being executed by the AGV at random. I validated this fact via plotting a gantt chart, where I saw that some of the product IDs are missing, which translates to lost products in the simulation.

I have attached the model here, Can someone give it a look and suggest me if I am doing something wrong?


Akshay Pundir

FlexSim 19.1.1
process flowlisttask executeragv networklist pull
static-updatednew.fsm (162.0 KiB)
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1 Answer

Patrick Zweekhorst avatar image
Patrick Zweekhorst answered Akshay P commented

Hi @Aksay P

As mentioned in my email to you:

The problem why not all tasks are completed is that robot2 end at the location input magazine, but has no task to move to a new location.

Robot 1 does have tasks, but is not able to go to input magazine, since robot2 is there.

So I guess that you miss a task for robot2, or robot2 should not have gone to the input magazine.

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