
Ben Walker avatar image
Ben Walker asked Adrian Haws commented

How to pull pallets off multiple dollies to queue pulled by a task executor?


Please see the model I roughly set up. I would like to have the task executor pick up a set of 6 dollies somewhere on the track, each dolly would contain a pallet. I would then like the pallets to move off of each dolly to the queue one by one. The pallets are then carried off a conveyor but that is irrelevant to the question. Any advice or example models would be helpful. Thanks!

@Adrian Haws

FlexSim 16.1.0
agvprocess flowtask executertask sequence
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1 Answer

Sam Stubbs avatar image
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Sam Stubbs answered Adrian Haws commented

I'm currently trying to work an example out for you, but before the weekend I just wanted to give you an update. This actually is much trickier than it appears on the surface.

I've created an example that shows how you might get "dollies" to load pallets, load themselves onto an AGV then get unloaded, and then unload their own pallets at the destination queue. Basically you'll use lists and Process Flow to control the logic by pushing the Dollies onto lists, and then pulling them from lists to grab the pallets, and also to load themselves on and off the AGV. Feel free to take a look at what I've come up with so far dolliesload2-autosave.fsm

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