
li shuxian avatar image
li shuxian asked Adrian Haws edited

Fixed Resources VS Visuals


I am building a 3d model and process flow based on pharmacy. In order for the model to link to the process flow, will using fixed resources such as a processor to show counters for registration better or representing it with visual be better? I tried to simulate my model when representing my counter using visual but my flowitem (person) does not flow through but if I were to use a processor, the process time and the delay time set up in the process flow would be different. How do I solve this issue?

FlexSim 7.7.4
process flowtask executerflowitemvisualsfixed resource
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1 Answer

Sam Stubbs avatar image
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Sam Stubbs answered Ben Wilson commented

So the "Person" object in the library of flow items is simply a Person shape. It does not have animations to it. (Such as walking/traveling.) If you want to have the patients actually travel from object to object, use the "TaskExecuterFlowItem" instead. Also, if the purpose of the Counter/Processors is simply to signify the delay time at the counter, you could simply use any object, and have the delay time represented by using Delay activities in the Process Flow. (Just remember that after having the patient travel to the counter, to Move Object and move the patient "into" the counter, otherwise they are still seen as being in the first queue which will affect the visuals.)

I've included an example below, feel free to use any or all of this as needed. pharmacyexample.fsm

pharmacyexample.fsm (28.7 KiB)
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