
Kilian K avatar image
Kilian K asked tannerp answered

One Operator differnt speed for several paths/ways?

Is it possible that one Operator has different running speeds between different sinks and soucres? How is that possible?

FlexSim 19.2.1
operator movements
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1 Answer

tannerp avatar image
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tannerp answered

Hi @Kilian K,

This is possible using Network Nodes. Network Nodes use features like "Virtual Distance" and "Speed Limit" that can control the distance between nodes as well as how fast operators can move on the paths.

I've created an example that shows how the virtual distance can be used to show spacing and make it take longer for an operator to go somewhere.

You can achieve something similar by setting the Operator's speed to something really high (e.g. 100) and then creating speed limits between nodes that keep him moving at lower speeds (e.g. 40, 60).

Hopefully this helps!


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