
Vishal B avatar image
Vishal B asked Jason Lightfoot edited

Cranes and Operator both required for moving

1906.fsmHi ,

In the given model , I am facing a problem. During transport of part from

1.) ( QueueMain/Rollover1/Rollover2/Rollover3) to (Stall 1, Stall 2 .. .. Stall6) I want 2 operators also to move along with the crane . (i.e Destination Stall Operator should come to the Source Station and take the part in crane and move to Destination with speed equal to that of crane )

2. After Processing in (Stall 1, Stall 2 .. .. Stall6) the part has to be moved to (Oil Pan Sub) . In this case also I need 2 Operators to move along with the crane to Oil Pan Sub and unload the part.

How can we do that ?? Urgently need of help. Tried lot off methods but not working for me.

crane movementcoordinated task sequenceoperator movements
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Sam Stubbs avatar image
Sam Stubbs answered

Here is an example of two operators helping load and unload a crane using Process Flow. One thing I would highly recommend doing if you haven't already: If you are new to Process Flow. Trying going through our Process Flow tutorials. In the user manual (Either in FlexSim, or here online) go to the Tutorials chapter, and the Process Flow section. There are several tutorials in there to help you get started.


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Jeff Nordgren avatar image
Jeff Nordgren answered Jason Lightfoot edited

@Vishal B

Here is your model with the changes that I've made. It is in the latest version of FlexSim, version 17.1.2. It may not be exactly how you want it but should give you a good idea on how to do what you are asking using Process Flow, which is a lot easier that it would be writing manual, coordinated task sequences for all of it. Take a look at the model and see if it will work for you.



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