
Aravind D avatar image
Aravind D asked Jordan Johnson commented

how to export values directly into excel when the model is running?

Hi, @phil.bobo @steven.hamoen @tanner.p @Matthew Gillespie

I have uploaded sample model in which i am recording the no.of items and its entry time in global table.

I want to write values directly into excel sheet when the model is running. The values must store in excel sheet instead of global table and must update automatically and simultaneously when the model is running as it does in global table.

I tired to use excel commands but i am not getting the desired output. how to use the commands properly can anyone help me with a tutorial

Thank you in advance


FlexSim 19.2.4
excel exportautomatic
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1 Answer

Jordan Johnson avatar image
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Jordan Johnson answered Jordan Johnson commented

You might try saving the file every time you change a value. However, even if that works (which I am not sure it does), it will be slow, since you will save the entire file to change a single value.

This feels like a bigger question, though. Why do you need the values live in excel? How do you plan to use this live view? If we understand how you want to use this in a workflow, we can help you come up with a solution.

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