
David Seo avatar image
David Seo asked Steven C7 answered

Conditional processing time in Multiprocessor

This is not a question but the solution asked by @Steven C7 and @Sebastian.

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My solution by the script is attached. 13987-simulaion-trial.fsm

The key is using the label of 'press' and the initial value is 0.

0 means not using 'press' processor and after press processor it is changed to 1 value after OnProcessFinish trigger.

According to the 'press' label value, each processing time in the multiprocessor is changed 'by case' script.

If a question, let me know it without hesitation.

FlexSim 19.2.4
conditional processing in multiprocessor
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1 Answer

Steven C7 avatar image
Steven C7 answered

The solution works, thank you @Seung Yong Seo!

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