Hello, I have a system of 3 processors with 3 queues before them. So the system is as follows: Source --> Queue1 --> Processor1 --> Queue2 --> Processor2 --> Queue3 --> Processor3 --> Sink. I also have an arrival schedule for my orders, defined in the source. For each order, the times that they are going to spend on each processor is also defined as a label (ProcessTimeX, X is the processor number) in the source. I want to implement the workload based release method as follows: Before releasing an order, firstly I want to sum up the process times of the items being currently on queues. For processor 1, I want to sum up the process times of the items currently on queue1 (just ProcessTime1), for processor 2 I want to sum up the process times of the items currently on queue2 (just ProcessTime2) and for processor 3 I want to sum up the process times of the items currently on queue3 (just ProcessTime3). Then I want to calculate that if I release the next order and add its ProcessTime1, ProcessTime2 and ProcessTime3 to the corresponding previously summed up values, will the new values exceeds a certain limit or not. If at least one of the three new summed up values exceeds its limits, I want my order not to be released and wait until the time that none of the limits will be exceeded by releasing that order. If none of the values exceed its limits then I want to release the order. The limits are as follows: for ProcessTime1 it is 110 seconds, for ProcessTime2 it is 100 seconds, for ProcessTime3 it is 90 seconds. I also attached my model, named as “workloadwith3processors”. If someone can help me with this problem, I will be very glad. Thank you very much.