
sara S2 avatar image
sara S2 asked sara S2 commented

How to transfer items on conveyors according to destinations?


I want to model a replenishment system where there are two racks, each one contains different items. Items are packed in totes on the combiners (each item type is processed on a combiner) and sent either to rack1 or rack48 according to the value of the label Rack (1 or 2) using the decision point on conveyor6. Also, there are two operators who pick items from the racks according to the respective process flows (process flow1 & process flow2). Some corresponding information of the whole modeled process is recorded in the global tables: “QuantityFor Each Type” and “DataBase”.

I encounter the following problems:

1- I don't know how to represent bays' numbers for each rack, so I just put numbers from 1 to 8 (1-4 for rack1 and 5-8 for rack48) (Fig1).

2- When I run the model, all totes are sent to rack48 despite the condition in the decision point (Fig2).

Would you please help me to fix this.





FlexSim 19.0.0
items transfer on conveyors according to destinations
fig1.png (232.2 KiB)
fig2.png (388.6 KiB)
model.fsm (118.7 KiB)
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1 Answer

Logan Gold avatar image
Logan Gold answered sara S2 commented

1 - The bay and level on Racks are constrained by the Size Table of a Rack. Both the Racks in this model have 4 bays and 2 levels. So the bay needs to be between 1 - 4 and the level needs to be between 1 - 2 for both Racks. However, the bay label on the Totes aren't being used because the Racks are looking at labels item.Bay and item.Level (capitalization is important), and those labels are getting set somewhere else in your model. However they are being set, it's up to you to determine which bay and which level an item goes to unless you choose to use the Random Bay and Random Level or First Available Bay and First Available Level on the Racks.

2 - Sending an item on a Conveyor System does not support directly referencing the downstream/destination Conveyors like what is being done in DP1's "Send Item By Case" code. Instead, you need to add a Decision Point to both downstream Conveyors and reference those Decision Points. You can also send them to Exit Transfer objects that are connected to the appropriate downstream Conveyors.

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