
Denise C avatar image
Denise C asked zacharyh answered

What is the best way to set up a simulation for an indexing machine?

An indexing machine, for example could be a rotary machine where there are X number of stations radially positioned all sharing the same transport for the flow items. Each station processes one flow item at a time and the transport cannot increment one movement until the slowest station is complete with it's operations. Many of the stations typically have an assembly operation where a new flow item is introduced and joined to the existing flow item at that station. This is synchronous operation.

FlexSim 19.2.4
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1 Answer

zacharyh avatar image
zacharyh answered

We currently do not have an indexing machine like you have described. You can view the model that is attached to this answer of someone that created their own radial indexing machine to see how you could possibly create one yourself.

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