
Kamil S avatar image
Kamil S asked anthony.johnson edited

AGV's turning

I'm working with AGV
and my train is behaving with FlipThreshold =0 as FlipThreshold =90
so my train travels backwards last path

do anybody have any solution to repair this?


FlexSim 20.0.0
agv problem
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tannerp avatar image
tannerp answered

@Kamil S,

After talking with the developers, I found out that this behavior is by design. I'm not sure where the flip threshold comes into play, as it does seem to overlook that when running...

As a workaround, I suggest using Join Paths in your model to create curved paths for the AGV so that the abrupt angles don't cause the AGV to flip around. You can make the curved paths small so they're discrete. Hopefully this helps.


curved-path.png (21.5 KiB)
mr-agv-help.fsm (177.6 KiB)
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anthony.johnson avatar image
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anthony.johnson answered anthony.johnson edited

Because it allows users to define orientation-specific routing, the resulting AGV routing algorithm requires that "flip threshold" be defined globally, instead of on each individual TaskExecuter. The AGV navigator has a "turn around threshold" variable that you can set. Unfortunately, in 20.0 and earlier, this value is not available in the UI, but you can set it in the tree directly. It is at MODEL:/AGVNetwork>variables/turnAroundThreshold. If you change this to a higher value (170?), then AGVs will stay traveling forward at sharper turns.

We'll put this value into the AGV Network properties in the next release.

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