
Dj Moens avatar image
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Dj Moens asked Phil BoBo edited

Random streams on system time

A client noticed that if the 'Initialize randomstreams based on system time' is used in the experimenter, there is a chance that replications get the same random streams. You can test yourself with a small model and make sure you are using multiple cores.

Could you somehow include the replication number to the system time to be sure not the same seed sample is generated.

FlexSim 20.0.0
random streams
5 |100000

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1 Answer

Phil BoBo avatar image
Phil BoBo answered Phil BoBo edited

"Initialize random streams based on system time" shouldn't even affect the experimenter. The fact that it does is a bug.

The experimenter should be initializing its own streams based on the replication number, ignoring "Repeat Random Streams" and "Initialize random streams based on system time."

You should not be getting unrepeatable results from the experimenter. Instead, it is on our dev list to make it so that you can specify which replications to run, rather than having to always start at replication 1 and rerun the entire experiment if you want to run more replications.

You shouldn't be using "Initialize random streams based on system time" with the experimenter.

If you want a given scenario/replication to give different results each time, call randinit() yourself to initialize the streams however you want.

5 |100000

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