I have a scheduled arrival source that is creating tokens based on a global table. The token represents a quantity of items and the location of those items that I need to create in the 3d model. I have grouped all of the queues together. I'm struggling to figure out how to create the number of items I need in the locations they are supposed to be inside the model. In the create items process flow step I feel is where I'm having the disconnect. I can step the tokens through and all of the info they should need is there but I don't feel I've connected the label that tells which queue the item should be created in to the group of queues in a way the code recognizes it. I can get the process flow to create the items in a specific queue by selecting it from the Flex Sim Event Handler and selecting a specific queue but I can not select the group. Below are screenshots of the labels and the table I create, then of how I have the create item step laid out so far.