
Stephen C2 avatar image
Stephen C2 asked Stephen C2 commented

Specific hardware best practices

Hello, I've searched and seen some specific questions and answers related to mouse issues (e.g., 3dconnexion), but I haven't found anything related to what setups other users have found useful. For example, is there a particular mouse or style of mouse that someone has found useful? Thanks for any information.

FlexSim 20.0.3
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1 Answer

Matthew Gillespie avatar image
Matthew Gillespie answered Stephen C2 commented

Several of us FlexSim employees have a 3D Connexion Space Mouse Compact in addition to a standard mouse. The 3D mouse is useful for moving around the simulation and can make it easier to navigate while watching the model run. However, you definitely don't need one. You can do everything you need to do while simulating in FlexSim with just a standard mouse.

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