
Jim Montgomery avatar image
Jim Montgomery asked Matthew Gillespie commented

How to avoid merged images of 3D resources with equipment

While using the A* Navigation, my staff resources (nurses and food service workers) and the equipment they move (WOWs and food carts) become merged together at bedside. (i.e. the food service worker is incased in the food cart)
FlexSim 20.0.4
merging imagesresource images merged
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1 Answer

Matthew Gillespie avatar image
Matthew Gillespie answered Matthew Gillespie commented

You can use the location's Enter Instructions to specify where certain staff members stand and where the food cart should be placed. This section of the tutorial shows you how to set up custom enter instructions:

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Jim Montgomery avatar image Jim Montgomery commented ·
Thanks, Matthew. I had success using Enter Instructions for solo staff and transport staff w transport equip. However the staff using equipment (WOWs) still merge together. Can you offer more specific guidance on how to apply Enter Instructions to staff approaching the bedside pushing a piece of equip? Thanks
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Jim Montgomery avatar image Jim Montgomery commented ·
Thanks Matthew, I have followed your guidance and while individual staff take assigned positions, the staff arriving with equipment (WOWs) do not. Could you please give me some more specific steps? Thanks!
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Matthew Gillespie avatar image Matthew Gillespie ♦♦ Jim Montgomery commented ·

Here's an example where I customized the enter instructions for equipment so it places the Wows on opposite sides of the bed.


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