
wang W2 avatar image
wang W2 Suspended asked Bob.Wang commented

record video

hello everyone

when i record a video,i want to stop recording during the record processing,when i click the reset button video record stop,but the processing bar remain on the screem,,like pic below.

When i restart record ,the process bar wont change anymore.

why this happen?Could someone give me some suggestion?thank you very much.

FlexSim 18.2.3
flexsim 18.2.3
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1 Answer

Bob.Wang avatar image
Bob.Wang answered Bob.Wang commented

The pic you uploaded is broken.

I think you can stop the model first and reset the model.

In addition, you need to delete the recording log files in the model directory if existed before reopening the model.

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wang W2 avatar image wang W2 commented ·

ok i will upload my pic,do you mean the record log files in the toolbox libirary?thank you very much

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27708-无标题.png (87.4 KiB)
Bob.Wang avatar image Bob.Wang wang W2 commented ·

No,the record log file was existed model file saving directory.

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