
Dominik K avatar image
Dominik K asked Dominik K commented

How to change color of an 6 different items when created

I am new to FlexSim and am struggling with such an easy task already...
I have 6 different items that are created.

1) VCM = Red

2) MGC = Orange

3) VCM-Pin = blue

4) MGC-Pin = Turquoise

5) Support-Block = Green

6) Finished Product = Yellow

I want to set the color not only visually but also to its data (sorry if not correctly spoken) so I can extract the lead time at the end of an 8 hour shift for example - the data then extracted should be coherent.

Items 1-5 are created at the beginning of the whole production line. Item number 6 is created, after all processes are done. How can I change the colors to what I want them to?

FlexSim 18.2.3
flexsim 18.2.3productscolorsitemcolor
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1 Answer

Braydn T avatar image
Braydn T answered Joerg Vogel edited

@Dominik K I am not sure how knowing the color would allow you to subtract the lead time. You can assign the color in the source of the 3D model in an onCreation trigger. You can also assign a label that defines what type it is. I think the easiest way to get lead time is to assign a label with the value being the model time at the time of the items creation, and then in the sink you can subtract the time in the label from the current time. You will have to decide where you want this information put though.

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