
Abhijeet P avatar image
Abhijeet P asked pc neo answered

Simulation Not running above three AGV's

Hi Building Transportation Model with AGV using AGV Process flow. But Model stop to work when introduce 4th AGV. Model run only for first 3AGV and 4th AGV not activate so model stop. Require help to solve problem. Simulation file attached here. AGV process flow Model_autosave.fsm

FlexSim 18.0.10
flexsim 18.0.10
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Abhijeet P avatar image Abhijeet P commented ·

@pc Neo.Thanks for reply. Your suggestion gives a result. Now Model even work with 5 AGV.

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1 Answer

pc neo avatar image
pc neo answered

I do not have FlexSim version 18 and have tested it on FlexSim 20 instead. I believe you needed all 4 AGVs to travel and it seems that the evaluation in the Park zone "arbitrary decide" that there is no need for more than 3 AGV to be used. I will think that you can modify to not add all AGVs into Park zone, by removing the "green highlighted" activity.

Hope this helps.

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