
SudheerReddy avatar image
SudheerReddy asked Steven Hamoen answered

Weird Queue to Processor connections

I am making connections from Queue2 to Processor1. As you can see, I marked it in red color it takes longest way arrow. Why can't it simple connect the way I marked in Blue line.

In Similar way Processor1 to Queue3 marked it in black color.

Both the connections are crossing each other. Why can't it take simple and elegant way, instead it is taking some strange way. Can't it be designed in simple way?

FlexSim 20.1.1
flexsim 20.1.1
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1 Answer

Steven Hamoen avatar image
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Steven Hamoen answered

@Sudheer R As you might have noticed, everything in FlexSim flows from left to right. In your model you have something flowing from right to left (from queue 2 to processor to queue 3) but when it flows over your processor you will see it moves from left to right again. To solve this simply rotate your processor 180 degrees and all your flows are correct again.

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