
wang W2 avatar image
wang W2 Suspended asked wang W2 Suspended edited

ExitTransfer perform batching


I want the operator load specific quanty of the flowitems from Exittransfer at one time , like Queue perform batching property, like pic below.

how can i acheive this?

any adivice is grateful.thank you.

FlexSim 18.2.3
flexsim 18.2.3
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1 Answer

Joerg Vogel avatar image
Joerg Vogel answered wang W2 Suspended edited

Push Tasksequence to TSList. A Photoeye event creates tokens. You batch tokens in Process Flow.

You pull the batch quantity of transport tasksequences off the TSList. You dispatch the pulled tasksequences in a subflow process to operator.


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wang W2 avatar image wang W2 commented ·

thank you.Is there another way to acheive it without using processflow?may i use traditional code?thank you again

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