
Jon Abbott avatar image
Jon Abbott asked anthony.johnson commented

Finding the nearest open slots to an item in a rack

Is there a way to use findSlot to identify open rack slots nearest in distance to an item that is already stored in a rack? Thanks in advance for your help.

FlexSim 20.0.5
rackflowitemfindslotflexsim 20.0.5nearest
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Phil BoBo avatar image
Phil BoBo answered anthony.johnson commented

@Jon Abbott

Here's an example using the Warehousing pick options in Process Flow.


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anthony.johnson avatar image
1 Like"
anthony.johnson answered

@Jon Abbott Here's sample code I executed in a script window:

  1. Storage.Slot other = Model.find("Rack1").as(Storage.Object).getSlot(7, 4, 1);
  2. return Storage.system.findSlot("ORDER BY (slot.location.project(slot.storageObject, model()) - $$, model())).magnitude ASC", 0,;

Or you can make a command that calculates the distance and call that from the query.

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