
Iago MF avatar image
Iago MF asked Iago MF commented

Reassign an item to its current slot


I was trying to make a logic where i look for an item from a rack and unassign it from slot, but i dont move it in that moment. When I need that item, before move it, I try to replace it with another item whose location is prioritary, so I need to reassign first item to its current slot.

The problem is that when I reassign an item to its current slot, the subnode slotItems its not working properly. It's duplicating the item as current and as assigned.


In this case, I can control this with slot labels instead of unassign the first item when i look for it, but i'd like to know if there's a way to reassign an item to its current slot.

I've attached an example model where you can see whats happening.

Thanks in advance!

21.2 Example.fsm

FlexSim 21.2.3
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1 Answer

Jason Lightfoot avatar image
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Jason Lightfoot answered Iago MF commented

As mentioned in this post a request to consider this requirement has already been added to our development list.

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