
Mikael B avatar image
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Mikael B asked Jason Lightfoot edited

Setting outbound item to stored state

Is it possible to set an outbound item to a stored state again? Ive tried by setting assignedslot = currentslot, while the item is still in its current slot, but this seems to create a duplicate of the item in the slot.


Ive made a demo to demonstrate the problem, link at the bottom of the post.

As you can see, setting a storage item to outbound, and then reassigning the slot, to set the storage item to a stored state, creates a duplicate slot item.

Is this an intended feature or a bug? Is it possible to achieve the same result an easy way without creating duplicates?

I managed to find a pretty messy workaround last night, where i first reassign the slot to the storage item after it has been set to outbound, then move the item out of the rack to a queue and back to the rack again with Move Object in process flow. This method seems to fix the duplication issue, but its not a very smooth workaround.


FlexSim 20.0.10
flexsim 20.0.10outboundstorage.item.statestored
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1 Answer

Lars Jacobsen avatar image
Lars Jacobsen answered Jason Lightfoot edited

You can set the outbound state using Storage.Item (not Storage.Slot.Item). I.e.

Storage.Item item = Storage.Item(token.item);

item.assignedSlot = item.currentSlot;

To get a fast and accurate response, please provide as a minimum the exact code and preferably also a model with the problem.

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