
Benjamin H3 avatar image
Benjamin H3 asked tannerp commented

I need some help with the flexsim coding language

Hello, I need some help with the coding on flexsim I am an absolute beginner and was wondering if anyone knew the coding language for the statement below

//Go to Global table

//Look at Row 1

// Check Column 1 value

// If value >0, then value = value -1

// Result = column number (holding area 1 output port 1 connected to staging area 1

// Break loop

// Else

// Check column 2 value

// Loop

FlexSim 17.2.5
codingflexsim 17.2.5
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1 Answer

tannerp avatar image
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tannerp answered tannerp commented

Hi @Benjamin H3,

Like Jörg mentioned, it's useful to know C++ to use FlexSim. That said, you can do many things in FlexSim without knowing any C++.

I've created a small example model that has a script that does what you've described. As you can see, it's pretty standard coding technique. Hopefully this helps you get started. Note that this can also be done using Process Flow. I recommend learning Process Flow so as to minimize the amount of hard coding you need to do.

flexsim coding help.fsm

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