
Patrick Zweekhorst avatar image
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Patrick Zweekhorst asked Patrick Zweekhorst commented

Strange things in statistics tables in experimenter


When you run the experimenter and save dashboard data there is the tab "Statistics Tables", which is a really nice tab. I did find two strange things at this tab.

If you dashboard graph is just a template this statistics table is completely empty. (the model one in the statistics table page)
If you remove your dashboard, it stays in the experimenter and the table somehow starts working. (first one in the statistics tab is from a gantt chart I deleted)

Is this by design or do we miss something in the steps we took or is there a bug in the statistics table?


FlexSim 20.1.2
experimenterflexsim 20.1.2statistics collectorchart templatesstatstics tables
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1 Answer

Jordan Johnson avatar image
Jordan Johnson answered Patrick Zweekhorst commented

This looks like a bug. I get that the dropdown shows the name "model" for the two chart template options. That shouldn't be the case. In addition, that table should be showing the data. If you look in Tools/Experiment/ChartTemplates, you can see that the data was collected. The view just isn't showing it correctly. I'll add this bug to the dev list.

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