
Abel van der Windt avatar image
Abel van der Windt asked Jordan Johnson edited

Double ProcessFlow when installing chart templates

Hi all,

I noticed that when I install my chart templates as a statistics collector the node for the chart template still exists in the tree with the attached ProcessFlow. Does this mean that everything is triggered twice and should this be the case?



FlexSim 18.2.3
statistics collectorchart templates
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1 Answer

Jordan Johnson avatar image
Jordan Johnson answered Jordan Johnson edited

When you say there is a node for the chart template still in the tree, do you mean that there is still something inside the MODEL:/Tools/ChartTemplates node? That part should no longer exist if you install a template.

A Chart Template is just a wrapper around many objects, which possibly includes Groups, a Process Flow, a Statistics Collector, or a Calculated Table. When you install the template, the chart should continue to function, but all of those tools are now in the toolbox, where you can examine and/or edit them. So when you install a template, it may put a Process Flow in your toolbox. That flow was always there, but was hidden inside the template. Once you install, there is still only one flow working.

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