
Patrick Zweekhorst avatar image
Patrick Zweekhorst asked Jacob Gillespie commented

How to plot the partition content of a list

Hi all,

I want to plot the partition content of a list with the new statistics collector. This is not completely working out as I wanted. I'm waiting on the OnPull and OnPush in the statistics collector and use the PartitionID field to know from which partition something is pulled/pushed. From what I understand the OnPush fires just before the token is actually pushed on the list. I have therefore added a 1 to the content when the push event fires. After this the plot is still incorrect.

To check if I get the correct plot I have also added a dashboard with tracked variables to show the content of the partitions.

How should I plot the content of a partition on a list?

( partitiondashboard.fsm )

Note: It also looks like we are missing some vertical lines in the plots at the start. (can maybe be solved by setting the tracked variables at the start of the simulation)



FlexSim 17.2.1
liststatistics collectorpartition content
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Jordan Johnson avatar image
Jordan Johnson answered Jordan Johnson edited

As Jacob said, this is difficult to do, because the List doesn't have the opposite of the OnPush event. (It would probably be an OnEntryRemoved event or something like that, but the List doesn't have that right now).

For this kind of chart, I would use the Zone, which can also have partitions, and keep stats on those partitions. I tried it in your model, and it seemed to work fine. It does look different than the legacy chart. However, it appears that the legacy chart excludes 0-time content changes, while this chart does not.

As far as choosing colors, that is something we plan on addressing in a future version.


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Jacob Gillespie avatar image
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Jacob Gillespie answered Jacob Gillespie commented

You are correct that the OnPush event fires just before the token is actually pushed on the list.

What you are missing is that the OnPull event fires as soon as a token adds a backorder to the list and not when the token is actually pulled. To fix this I listened to the OnExit event of the Pull from List activity.


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