
Chitra J avatar image
Chitra J asked Chitra J commented

How to identify total number of rows in list with specific label?

I am sending items to list when it enters Queue1. Items has label called "MyLabel".

I want to calculate total entries of specific label value, so that those tokens can be pulled once.

Help me get the Label value wise number of entries.

Example: I want to pull only those items with MyLabel value 2 and pull quantity should be 5. I could pull using WHERE query in the Pull from list but not able to set Request Number as 5.


FlexSim 20.1.1
flexsim 20.1.1list pull from listprocess
5 |100000

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1 Answer

Joerg Vogel avatar image
Joerg Vogel answered Chitra J commented

This has been answered in Table query on a global list.

· 1
5 |100000

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