
Marlon B3 avatar image
Marlon B3 asked Joerg Vogel commented

Error que desconozco...

Encontré unos modelos antiguos de simulación (v6.0). Me han sido muy útiles sin embargo la gran mayoría no funcionan con mi versión de flexsim (v19.0). se detiene el flujo y no me permite observar la simulación completa. ¿Saben como resolver el error ? Quizá sea algo muy sencillo pero, ha decir verdad, soy principiante.

Acá anexo el archivo en el cual esta la simulación.

75999-Bottling Line v6.fsm

FlexSim 19.0.9
error messageflexsim 19.0.9flow
error.png (131.4 KiB)
· 1
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1 Answer

Joerg Vogel avatar image
Joerg Vogel answered Joerg Vogel edited

Maybe you achieve this. There is a very tiny chance and a lot of work ahead, if you can upgrade your models in smaller versions steps:

  1. From 6 to 7.7
  2. From 7.7 to 17.0
  3. From 17 to 19.0

You read all Release Notes and for every version between 6 and now. You make notes of all deprecated commands and mechansims. That is quite easy because all release notes of every release are always available in the lates version in the manual. You apply them all to your models and this is the really tough part. Some main issues follow here.

  • You must check the code and I mean all source codes in chosen picklist options and own code at every upgrade step.
  • From step 2 on you enable Legacy Conveyors in Global Preferences.
  • At step 3 you must replace all attributes of itemtype to item.Type.
  • The collecting of statistical data and its output has changed twice during this period. You build it from the start and abandon all previous code and charts at all. Perhaps you can keep collected table data.
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