
Steven Chen avatar image
Steven Chen asked tannerp answered

AGV overtaking line problem

Hi,AGV overtaking line.fsm

I find a question on agv travel

When I open the overtaking line model on version 20.0 and 19,it will not have the error

But I open this model on version 20.1.2,it will have error message

When TaskExecuter2 travel on CP11,it will move to somewhere

Please help me to solve this problem


FlexSim 20.1.2
agvflexsim 20.1.2agv process flow
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1 Answer

tannerp avatar image
tannerp answered


I tried deleting the TaskExecuter objects and then adding new ones back in to the model and this solved the problem with the error. Here's the working model: agv overtaking line update.fsm

I believe the reason is that you updated this model from 18.2 all the way to 20.1 and there are many functions and features that have been changed in the last two years. Although, I personally don't know which function was updated to cause the issue.

If you have any concerns when updating models, be sure to check out the Release Notes for the software. These outline the changes and will help you identify elements in your models that might be affected.

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